Common Misconceptions About Hospice
To be eligible for hospice, the patient must be in the final stages of dying
Fact: To maximize the benefits of hospice care provided to the patient and their family, a referral should be made before the patient is in the final stages of dying. Hospice patients and families receive care for an unlimited amount of time, depending upon the course of the illness. There is no fixed limit on the amount of time a patient may continue to receive hospice services.
Hospice is where you go when there is nothing more a doctor can do
Fact: Hospice is care designed for patients with a life-limiting illness. Hospice is not where you go to die, rather hospice professionals are trained to assist patients in living their lives fully, completely, and without pain until the end of their lives.
Quality care at the end of life is very expensive
Fact: Medicare beneficiaries pay nothing for hospice. For those ineligible for Medicare, most insurance plans, HMOs, and managed care plans cover hospice care.
If I choose hospice care, I have to leave my home
Fact: Hospice care is provided wherever the patient may be: in their own home or a family member’s, a nursing home, or an assisted living facility. Hospice is also provided in inpatient units, VA hospitals, and some correctional facilities.
Families are not able to care for people with life-limiting illnesses
Fact: Family members are encouraged, supported, and trained by hospice professionals to care for their loved ones. Hospice staff is on call to the patient and their families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help family and friends care for their loved ones.
Hospice care is only for cancer or AIDS patients
Fact: More than 50% of hospice patients are diagnosed with conditions other than cancer or AIDS.
For additional information or to schedule a consult, please call Hanover Hospice Services at 508-675-7583